Art Show 2024

It was VAV's deepest honor to host the 31st annual Art Show on February 29, 2024. These beautiful pieces of art were created by students in Garland ISD with visual impairments. We are already counting down the days until next year! 

(1983) Visual Aid Volunteers honored

(1983) Visual Aid Volunteers honored

Michael Hayslip, new president of Visual Aid Volunteers, told the members at the annual meeting April 18 that a special honorary trustee position has been created for Steve Feldman, who has been a trustee on VA V’s board since VA V’s beginning 27 years ago.

(1977) Tools For Blind Explained

(1977) Tools For Blind Explained

SOME OF the newest equipment for use by blind persons was shown at Twentieth Century Study Club in a recent meeting in the home of Kathleen Hand. Doris Bozman, Becky Theis and Dorothy Ashenhurst were co-hostesses.

(1964) Visual Aid Unit Seeks to Add New Members

(1964) Visual Aid Unit Seeks to Add New Members

At a general meeting of the mernbers of the Visual Aid Volunteers held this week at the Williams Elementary school, a general disucssion was held on means of increasing the membership and securing more support for the organization.

(1962) Garland School Pioneers In Blind Student Project

(1962) Garland School Pioneers In Blind Student Project

The little boy in the front row squinted intently at the teacher through thick glasses. He could barely see. In the row next to him, a little girl did not look at the teacher at all. But she listened better than the others. She strained all her senses to learn.